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Interpeace winds down programme in Aceh, Indonesia

14 mai, 2009
Est. Reading: 2 minutes
Photo credit: Steve Simon/Panos for Interpeace

Interpeace will be concluding the Interpeace-Indonesian Peace Institute Aceh Programme (IIAP) in Indonesia at the end of June.

Significant contributions to the consolidation of peace in Aceh
For the past three years, the programme has made a significant contribution to the consolidation of peace in Aceh.

The MoU Roundtable process - a trusted platform for dialogue
The programme facilitated a series of  high level dialogue roundtables between the two signatory parties of the Helsinki Peace Accord otherwise referred to as the Helsinki Memorandum of Understanding. The process worked as a trusted platform through which the parties agreed to monitor the implementation of the provisions of the peace agreement and to work out any differences as they arose. The various IIAP-convened and facilitated MoU Round Table Meetings that were held were well-attended. Important topics were addressed at these meetingsand resolutions have also been reached in certain instances.

A network of field facilitators
The programme has also focused on reconciliation, problem solving and trust building at the local level by putting in place a network of field operators. The field facilitators, posted throughout the province, have contributed both to a reduction oftensions and to the facilitation of consultations in the 16 districts of the province.

Scott M. Weber, Director-General of Interpeace, commenting on the programme noted,

"Peace processes are never linear and the protagonists are generally extraordinary people who do extraordinary things. The Aceh peace process is no different. While the role of Interpeace will come to an end this summer, the process will certainly continue in other forms. Interpeace is proud to have been able to support the process at crucial moments to help keep it on track. Interpeace would like to thank all the individuals and institutions for their support and input into the achievements the programme has made over the last three years."